Carrie (1976)

Date Watched: August 21, 2010
Source: Netflix

I haven’t read this Stephen King yet, so I had no idea what the actual story was. It’s definitely not what I thought. I thought this chick with telekinesis went running around killing bullies and stuff. But she doesn’t. She’s not creepy at all.

In fact, you feel damned sorry for her. She gets crapped on by everyone and her mother is certifiably insane and absolutely abusive and manipulative. The girls at school are evil, one in particular. They’re so evil that when one of them feels bad and tries to help Carrie by getting her a date to the prom, the gym teacher at school, who has become Carrie’s protector, accuses her of playing another horrible trick on Carrie. But Carrie ends up with a boost of confidence, and she transforms herself from a mousy, bedraggled girl into a beauty queen. She is truly gorgeous, without even trying. You can’t help but cheer for her, forgetting that this is Stephen King, people… stuff is about to go wrong.

And hell, when it does, you feel like crying. Poor Carrie. And when she loses it, all those people get what they freaking deserve. It’s not about terror. It’s sweet freaking revenge.

Go on, girl.

Queue it on Netflix

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One response to “Carrie (1976)

  1. MacBean

    If there is one thing Uncle Stevie is good at, it’s taking the downtrodden and letting them get back at the world that abuses them. I’ve always wondered what he’d make of someone like me as a character…

    My favorite thing about Carrie is that it makes me appreciate my mother. Even at her worst, she was never as bad as Carrie’s mother at her best. Ugh. 😦

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