The Evil Dead (1981)

Date Watched: August 22, 2010
Source: Netflix Instant Play

This was seriously the best worst movie ever. Seriously. What a horrible, FANTASTIC movie. The zombies were so freaking awesome it’s not even funny. Bruce Campbell was the worst actor I’ve ever seen… but the whole movie was so camp it actually worked. I just loved it. Like my buddy augustlan emailed me… it’s “all sorts of win”.

Queue it on Netflix


Filed under Loved It

2 responses to “The Evil Dead (1981)

  1. MacBean

    I had an issue that kept me from fully enjoying this movie. Alas. My review from October 2009:

    I get a kick out of low-budget gore and this movie has plenty of it. It’s a slow build but once it gets going, it delivers. The only problem I had was with the sound. I thought the music was overdone and once people started being possessed, I had to keep adjusting the volume. There was no option for captions, so if I wanted to know what people were saying, I needed to turn it way up. But after the possessions started, there was so much yelling. And I don’t mean people screaming in fear. I mean the possessed people just … yelling incoherently. And/or laughing maniacally. My ears couldn’t take it.

  2. Yes, I definitely do understand that. But with all the 70s and 80s horror films I’ve been watching, I’ve come to get used to watching with the remote in my hand and my finger poised over the volume buttons. It’s like a reflex now… all those era horror movies have horrible sound.

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