The Stepford Wives (1975)

Date Watched: August 5, 2010
Source: Netflix

I wasn’t all that excited to see this, probably because the most I’d ever heard was from when the remake with Nicole Kidman came out. I’ll always try to watch the original before I watch any remakes, and I read somewhere that this one specifically needed to be seen before the remake. Still, I was ho-hum about it. And then I watched it.

And it was great. It was creepy how nobody noticed. It was creepy that the Men’s Association members made no attempt to hide the fact that they were creepy. I don’t even need to say how disgusting it is that these middle-aged men all wanted gorgeous, subservient women to meet their every whim without fail. I’m still not sure whether I’d consider that creepy or just disgusting, but I think I’m leaning toward it being just a tad creepy as well.

I’m not saying much, because I think the story is pretty well known, and I was actually surprised by part of it, so I don’t want to get too far in and spoil something. But for a horror film in the early 70s, I was extremely impressed with the acting. There was next to no cheese factor in this movie, and that’s pretty rare for any 70s/80s horror film.

Definitely worth the watch. I have the remake coming up at some point in my queue, but I really am not a fan of Nicole Kidman, so we’ll see how they match up. Expectations aren’t high though.

Queue it on Netflix


Filed under Loved It

2 responses to “The Stepford Wives (1975)

  1. MacBean

    Oh, man. This movie. I can’t even begin to say how much I love it. When I reviewed it, pretty much all I said was that even after taking a couple of days to try to come up with something more coherent, all I could really say was “OMG I LOVE IT.”

    And I love the “remake,” too. But it’s more a reimagining and modernization of the book (which was, sadly, shit) than a remake of this movie. This one’s creepy and disturbing. The Nicole Kidman one is comedy.

  2. Oh, okay. I thought it was just another cruddy remake. Good, now I know what to expect lol

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