Trick ‘r Treat (2008)

Countdown to Halloween: October 21, 2011
Source: Netflix Instant Play

I wasn’t going to watch this at all, because Anna Paquin is billed as the first actress and man, do I detest Anna Paquin. It’s incredible how much of a bad impression you can leave while meeting someone for less than a minute… but I digress. She’s not in it all that much, and I’m sure that helped.

The best way I can describe this movie is that it’s almost like a love letter to Halloween. It’s four interwoven, parallel stories that show what could happen if you break the traditions of Halloween. Or, Samhain, which I was delighted to hear pronounced correctly for a change. The running connection is a little sackdude, not unlike the one featured in the video game series “Little Big Planet”, and he protects the spirit and tradition of the holiday.

I don’t want to give too much away, because it’s a terrific movie and I highly recommend it. But what I can say is that it had just the right amount of gore, and while it’s not scary, it’s the absolute perfect movie to watch on Halloween night. It’s completely riddled with the feeling of Halloween. It took me straight back to Michigan as a kid on Halloween and I really needed a jolt of Halloween memories. Just delightful.

See it on Netflix


Filed under Loved It

2 responses to “Trick ‘r Treat (2008)

  1. MacBean

    I just watched this one the other day, and I loved it, too! This is what I wrote about it:

    I’d heard so many good things about this movie that I made myself go into it with some skepticism. It’s always so disappointing when movies don’t live up to their hype. I needn’t have worried about this one, though. When you get down to it, there’s really nothing very special about Trick ‘r Treat. It’s half anthology and half interlocking puzzle, with stories overlapping but still standing perfectly well on their own. None of the stories are anything new; they’re all tried and true genre tropes. There isn’t even much of a new twist to any of them. They’re just … unapologetically what they are, and they’re done well. The music is great, which definitely adds something, and the acting is good, too. Dylan Baker made me laugh a lot, but I have to admit my very favorite thing was when Britt McKillip’s character went trick-or-treating at Christine Willes’s character’s house. Mini Dead Like Me reunion! 😀 [Rating: 4 stars]

    PEE ESS. Have you seen Splinter? I looked through the site and you haven’t reviewed it, but you still might’ve seen it, I dunno. Anyway, if you have, what did you think of it? And if you haven’t, I think you should.

  2. Splinter? I haven’t seen it. It’ll be the next one I watch though!

    I totally forgot to mention the Dead Like Me connection! I had it in my head to say something about it and I completely forgot! I was very excited by that too lol

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