Monthly Archives: November 2010

Superfly (1972)

Date Watched: November 20, 2010
Source: Netflix Instant Play

Remember that episode of Family Guy when Peter wishes he had his own theme music? And then every time he went anywhere or did anything, he had appropriate theme music? Well, Peter only wishes he could have the funky theme music that Youngblood Priest had.

That’s right, I said Youngblood Priest.

Yes, that was the name of the main character in this movie.

But honestly, if you look at the cover art, you’ll understand exactly why the name is so outlandish. And then it won’t be outlandish anymore. It’ll make perfect sense.

And then you’ll wish you had lapels that mean.

Anyway, Curtis Mayfield’s music is really what makes this movie absolutely great. Obviously, it’s lame scripting and lame acting, but the music — OH, the music. It’s so… so… FUNKY. That’s it. It’s funky. I watched this movie on Friday and I’ve been singing “Pusherman” to myself all weekend. Which gets kind of interesting since I’ve nearly caught myself singing the line “I’m yo nigga in the alley, I’m your pusherman” in public. Let’s think for a second, in my rather “urban” neighborhood, what would happen if the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl said “nigga” out loud in public. Or better yet, the boyfriend with the shaved head and boots, who’s also been singing it to himself, if he were to say it out loud in public. Go ahead. Chew on that for a minute.

But damn. This movie is… FUNKY. Do they make any other adjectives?


Far Out?





It’s bad my friends. Reeeeeeal bad. (‘Cause you know, “bad” means “good”.)

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Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Date Watched: November 7, 2010
Source: DVD

Great, great, great movie. Anthony Hopkins is one creepy dude. Jodie Foster is one big bag of suck, though. Her accent was grinding on my nerves from the moment she opened her mouth, and she’s really a terrible actress. But it doesn’t matter. Because Anthony Hopkins is so great… he could be filmed reading the phone book or reciting trigonometry equations and I’m pretty sure he’d be just as creepy.

Aside from all the good that is Anthony Hopkins and the story in general… hello, writers? No FBI agent worth anything would go into a basement with a murderer alone, without calling for any backup, and then proceed to open doors and not check corners and generally everything that anyone who’s watched any crime drama on TV ever would know. Just sayin’.

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Filed under Loved It

Army of Darkness (1993)

Date Watched: November 1, 2010
Source: DVD

I still don’t like Bruce Campbell. He’s the typical good-looking chiseled muscle-y guy. I hate all of that. I happen to think he’s ugly. He’s also a horrible actor. But that’s exactly what makes this movie great.

More of the same… cheese, cheese, lame, cheese, bad writing, lame, cheese, groooooan. But still pretty darned funny. Come on… tiny Bruce Campbells? “Give me some sugar baby!”? “WHO WANTS SOME?!”? Awesome.

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Filed under Pretty Good

“Well. There it is. GOOD.”

“Well. There it is. GOOD.”
–Emperor Joseph II, Amadeus


I’m sure all two of my regulars here have noticed a significant drop in activity. Allow me to explain.

At the end of August, I started a new relationship. With this new relationship came friends, and a social life. My social life, which was at a 0 (when I had time to watch 6 movies in a weekend for the project) is now chugging along at, oh, 80 mph. I’m never home. Hell, I had to stop recording “Hoarders” and “Intervention” because I had 14 episodes of “All My Children” and the entire seasons of “Glee” and “The Office” so far to watch and my DVR threatened to delete things if I didn’t watch something.

Factor in two weddings, Halloween activities, preparing space to move me and the fuzzy brats into, and a long list of things I need to get crocheted by Christmas, and I’ve had no time. NO. TIME. So the project has suffered. And it will continue to suffer until January or so, when I’m moved, and my seasonal crocheting is done. So I’ll post when I can, and I’ll still document every new film I watch. There just won’t be any regularity. Keep tabs though, because I’m sure I’ll be back into semi-full swing after the new year.

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by | 11/15/2010 · 12:15 pm

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Date Watched: October 31, 2010
Source: DVD

Comedic horror is never good. This movie defines what comedic horror should be. Everything about this movie is great. I love how Shaun goes about his every day life and is so jaded, he takes no notice to the world collapsing into zombiehood all around him. He goes by his regular corner store and is oblivious to bloody hand prints on the refrigerator case door. People lurching by looking like, well… looking like death warmed over, blood oozing from their mouths. Shaun has no idea.

And his cricket bat is awesome.

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Filed under Loved It

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

Date Watched: October 29, 2010
Source: Bootleg

Yes, this was a boot.

Yes, it was a bad boot.

Consequently, I missed a lot of the subtle things that Paranormal Activity is known for. I didn’t think it was right to skip over this since technically, I’ve seen it. But I didn’t really get the whole thing, and I will have to watch it again and do another post. But I will say that I’m pretty sure it was good. There was some seriously disturbing creepy stuff that I saw, and some that I couldn’t see but I’m pretty sure it was on par with what I did. So I will definitely be watching this again when it’s on DVD and reposting.

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Filed under Not Sure

The Warriors (1979)

Date Watched: October 26, 2010
Source: Netflix Instant Play

This was great. There were so many cheesetastically excellent things about this movie. First off, there is no way you’ll ever convince me that gangs in the late 70s dressed that way. Especially the baseball players. Who the hell is going to take you seriously when you’re wearing a baseball uniform and a brightly painted face? Thugs on rollerskates? Really? Second, the acting was so ridiculous. The Lizzy gang especially, I think. And, it’s so hard to believe people actually spoke that way at one point. There was so much jive talk my head was spinning.

What I will say, aside from the cheese, is that the fight scenes were definitely very well done. The chase scenes weren’t bad either. I just really enjoyed pretty much everything about this movie for one reason or another.

Can you dig?

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Filed under Pretty Good