Avatar (2009)

Date Watched: May 20, 2010

Source: redbox

I boycotted this movie hardcore. I refused to watch something with SO. MUCH. HYPE.

I wish I hadn’t.

Boy howdy, this was a great freaking movie. It’s visually stunning, and while I heard a lot of people say that the story didn’t carry well with the visuals, I think it absolutely did. This is all about how we think we can just stomp onto foreign territory, and claim it as our own, with no regard to those who lived there forever before we even knew about it. And it works on more than one level. You look at them as creatures and wildlife, but they’re humanoids; it’s like the age-old horror that was the “discovery” of America, where sacred land was ripped away from its inhabitants and they were forced into another area. I loved this. I may have nearly wept. Or it could’ve been a little dusty in the room. Yeah, dust. That’s it.


Queue it on Netflix


Filed under Loved It

2 responses to “Avatar (2009)

  1. MacBean

    I haven’t even posted this review on my journal yet; I do them in sets (usually of five) and I still have one more to go in this batch. So this is a SNEAK PEEK. I bet you feel special. (lololololololol)

    AWESOME creature design. I’d watch this again, if I could keep it muted or if I had earplugs. I wouldn’t be able to stand James Cameron’s mediocre writing and general douchebaggery again.
    [Rating: 3 stars]

  2. Scott

    This movie is brilliant. Everyone getting wrapped up in saying it is an anti-war and/or a bad religion story just need to shut up and enjoy it for what it is….the most creative movie in a long time. Where else does the ground glow in the dark when you step on it or where you can link your thoughts to creatures…just awesome.

    Kim and I also didn’t buy into the hype and we never saw it in theatres or imax 3d….what a shame. I do have the Blu-Ray and have watched in 3 times in like 2 weeks!

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