Daily Archives: 07/05/2010

Kick-AssĀ (2010)

Kick-Ass (2010)
“Loved It”

Netflix Summary: Inspired by his love of comic books, high school student Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) decides to transform himself into a masked crime fighter — a decision that eventually thrusts the teenager into Internet stardom. Soon, Dave’s antics inspire a wave of would-be heroes to don costumes and live out their superhero fantasies. Nicolas Cage, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Chloe Moretz also star in this comic book adaptation from director Matthew Vaughn.

Okay, that was good. Originally, I had absolutely zero desire to see this movie. Not only was it a superhero/comic book movie (which I always balk at, and maintain that I don’t really like, even though I end up liking pretty much every single one I give in to) but it has Nicolas Cage, who irritates the living hell out of me for no particular reason that I can name. But then a bunch of blogs that I follow started lighting up with debate about how wonderful or how awful the movie was. There seemed to be no middle-of-the-road reviews. So, naturally, I had to see it.

I’m firmly in the “KICK-ASS KICKS ASS” camp. It clocks in at nearly two hours long and despite my puny, pathetic attention span, I didn’t pause it or even look at the clock to see how much longer until the end. Not even once. It kept me thoroughly engaged and entertained from start to finish.

And, yes, complain-y blogs, it was violent. But just because there’s an 11-year-old main character in it doesn’t mean you should let your 11-year-old see it. It’s not a kid’s movie. Sorry. Even though it was pretty brutal, I didn’t feel like it was excessive. Your mileage may vary, and I won’t try to tell anyone who thinks the violence was excessive that they’re wrong. But it didn’t feel that way to me.

I think what I liked best about this movie was … well, okay, it was the soundtrack. But what I liked second best was that it was comic book-y without being cartoon-y; it wasn’t goofy but it still made me laugh.


Queue it on Netflix

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