Sunshine Cleaning (2009)

Date Watched: Unknown

Source: On Demand

Wow. This movie was a whole lot of pointless. Really. The end was entirely anticlimactic. The redhead (Amy Adams) was a horrible mother, and a horrible daughter, and a horrible sister. She roped her sister into this horrible biohazardous cleaning business, dumps her son off with a guy she barely knows after badgering her father, sticks her sister with a job on her own, goes to a freaking BABY SHOWER, and has the nerve to blame her sister for burning the house down. Okay sure, maybe she shouldn’t have lit candles in someone else’s house and then left them unattended to go chase a kitten. But she didn’t even want that job, and if her stupid sister had been there, it never would have happened. If the job was so important because it was for an insurance company, she should’ve given up on the idiotic baby shower. Ugh.

And the ending? The poor father ends up bailing out his useless daughter. Which you would think is good because now he doesn’t have to try to sell shrimp out of his bathtub, and she doesn’t have to clean houses for someone else’s business anymore, but she’s obviously proven herself to be totally irresponsible, so the father is really probably just digging himself deeper. UGH UGH UGH.

And the sister? The one who burned down the house? She did the only reputable thing in the whole movie. She returned that picture of the dead woman to the woman’s daughter. She did something good. And then she went on a road trip. She freaking deserved it. Go on, girl.

Queue it on Netflix

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