Memento (2000)

Date Watched:  May 15, 2010

Source:  Netflix Instant Play

I really hated this movie at first. Why? Because I missed the first 5 minutes or so. And if there was ever a movie that you absolutely can’t miss a minute, it’s this one. For crying out loud, I was so confused. The movie is told backwards in chunks. You find things out backwards, and you really need to keep track. What’s fun about it though, is that the main character in the film (who is trying to avenge his wife’s murder) has no short term memory at all. He suffered a head trauma when his wife was killed, and anything that happened afterward, he has to write everything down and he tattoos it on his body so it can’t be tampered with. But because of the way the movie is laid out, it’s almost like you have no memory either. You really have to work hard to remember what you’ve already seen so what you’re about to see makes sense. It’s super twisty and very entertaining to watch how they choose to unfold the story. Just, seriously, do not get up for a second without pausing it. You will get lost, and there is no map.

Queue it on Netflix

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